This Committee advises the Board on remuneration and terms of service for the Chief Executive, Executive Directors and other senior staff within the framework set by the Welsh Government. It provides assurance to the Board about the Trust’s arrangements for the remuneration and terms of service, including contractual arrangements for all staff, in accordance with the requirements and standards determined for the NHS in Wales.
The Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee are held in private session. The minutes of the meeting are reported into the following Board meeting.
Members (Minimum of four) |
Chair |
Pippa Britton |
Independent Members |
Three Non-Executive Directors (where possible to include the Chair of the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee) |
Chief Executive |
Tracey Cooper |
In attendance (By invitation as required but usually includes those below) |
Director of People and Organisational Development |
Neil Lewis |
Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Operations and Finance |
Huw George |
Board Secretary and Head of Board Business Unit |
Paul Veysey |
The Chair of the Committee determines how often it meets, in agreement with the Committee Members, but it is expected to meet at least once a year.