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COVER - National childhood immunisation uptake data

Uptake of scheduled childhood vaccination

Surveillance of uptake and equality of routine childhood vaccinations in Wales is carried out by Public Health Wales Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme through the national COVER scheme in Wales (Coverage of Vaccination Evaluation Rapidly). COVER reports are published on a quarterly basis, summarising vaccination uptake for children and teenagers reaching key birthdays during the following periods:

  • January – March
  • April –June
  • July-September
  • October-December

An annual COVER report is produced, summarising coverage of vaccinations for children reaching key birthdays during the 12 month period April to March. Trends in inequalities in coverage, according to level of socioeconomic deprivation are also published on an annual basis. 

Quarterly reports are published within 8 weeks of the end of the reporting quarter. Annual reports are published within 12 weeks of the end of the reporting year.

Surveillance reports on the infections which routine childhood vaccinations protect against are available from:

Latest Quarterly Report

The latest quarterly COVER report summarises immunisation uptake in children in Wales reaching key birthdays between 01/10/2024 and 31/12/2024.

Key points from Quarterly COVER Report 153

Age Immunisation Uptake (%)
1 year 6 in 1 primary (3rd dose)


MenB (2nd dose) 94.3
Rotavirus primary (2nd dose) 92.4
PCV primary (1st dose) 95.9
2 years MMR (1st dose) 93.2
PCV (final (3rd) dose) 93.0
MenB (3rd dose) 92.7
Hib/MenC booster 93.0
4 years Up to date with all routine immunisations 85.7
5 years MMR (2nd dose) 89.8
4 in 1 pre-school booster 89.8
Up to date with all routine immunisations 88.1
School year 8 Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) (one dose) 0.2
School year 9 Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) (one dose) 70.4
MenACWY 8.9
Td/IPV teenage booster 9.1
School year 10 Td/IPV teenage booster 71.8
MMR (1 dose) 96.0
MMR (2 doses) 93.5
School year 11 MMR (1 dose) 95.6
MMR (2 doses) 93.0


General information about the diseases which each vaccine provides protection against is available from:

Maps indicating the uptake of the 6-in-1 vaccination by one year of age and the uptake of the MMR1 vaccination at two years of age in HB resident children for the most recent quarter are given below:

6 in 1 uptake by 1 year of age

1 dose of MMR uptake by 2 years of age


The trends chart below, shows uptake of selected routine childhood immunisations in Wales resident children, as reported in the Public Health Wales Quarterly COVER reports from 1997. Uptakes of vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Hib, MenC and PCV2 are presented for one-year-old children. Uptake of the first dose of MMR and the Hib/MenC are presented for two-year-old children. Uptake of the second dose on MMR is presented for five-year-old children.

Immunisation Uptake reports at Health Board level

Latest annual report

The latest annual COVER report summarises immunisation uptake in children in Wales reaching key birthdays between 01/04/2023 and 31/03/2024.

2023/24 report summary infographic: 

Inequalities in childhood immunisation uptake

Public Health Wales Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme carry out surveillance for socio-economic and geographic (Local Authority level) inequalities in uptake of routine childhood immunisations. The annual reports contain additional health board specific data in appendices.
Download latest report:
Inequalities in uptake of routine childhood immunisations in Wales 2023-24
Previous reports:

Inequalities in uptake of routine childhood immunisations in Wales 2022-23

Inequalities in uptake of routine childhood immunisations in Wales 2021-22
Inequalities in uptake of routine childhood immunisations in Wales 2020-21

Inequalities in uptake of routine childhood immunisations in Wales 2019-20

Inequalities in uptake of childhood immunisations in Wales 2018 -19

Inequalities in uptake of childhood immunisations in Wales 2017-18

Archive reports

Previous quarterly and annual COVER reports are available here.