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Issues and Risks


The issue register will outline details of all issues (problems that have already occurred) identified that are negatively impacting the work of the decarbonisation programme and plans to resolve. Review of the issue register will take place at Decarbonisation Action Group meetings and issues identified as severe in relation to impact will be escalated to the Climate Change Programme Board for review.

Issues Mitigation
Due to the nature of our estate across 
Wales, there are limited options to invest 
in decarbonisation infrastructure and to 
influence energy supply. This is due to 
much of the estate being leased or being 
managed by health boards.
  • Maintain ongoing discussions with landlords.
  • Continue monitoring of current leased estate and ongoing requirements of the organisation, to assist with future decision making.
Difficulty in assessing some areas of Public 
Health Wales carbon emissions for 
continued monitoring of progress against 
net zero target.
  • Work with relevant departments in the organisation and data/performance analytics team to establish baseline.
  • Maintain connections to receive information on the development of standardised methodologies for calculating emissions and reduction.



The risk register will outline details of all risks (potential issues) identified relating to the work of the decarbonisation programme and plans for mitigation. Review of the risk register will take place at Decarbonisation Action Group meetings and risks identified as severe in relation to impact and likelihood will be escalated to the Climate Change Programme Board for review.

Risks Mitigation
There is a risk that Public Health Wales may 
not achieve the actions set out in the 
Decarbonisation and Sustainability Plan due 
to insufficient capacity across the 
  • Consider opportunities to align roles and processes to coordinate activities, maximise efforts and promote achievements.
  • Embed into existing governance arrangements 
  • Identify existing key action leads within service areas across Public Health Wales
  • Identify opportunities for partnership projects with other health boards/ trusts
  • Climate Change Programme Board to monitor deliver and support the delivery of action across the organisation
Insufficient understanding of the financial 
implications to deliver the Decarbonisation 
and Sustainability Plan
  • Clarify financial implications over the course of 2024-26; Public Health Wales will need to commit resources and make financial allocation decisions through in future years
  • Integrate actions into IMTP and Individual Directorate/ Service area Planning
  • Take advantage of opportunities for external funding to deliver actions, including The Wales Funding Programme, Invest to Save Schemes and WG funding 
  • Identify opportunities for partnership projects with other health boards/ trusts to support funding opportunities 
  • Capture opportunities to work with WG and other available services including the Welsh Government Energy Service and Carbon Trust
There is a risk that we do not understand 
the true organisational position in relation 
to achieving net zero as we are unable to 
calculate the carbon emissions for all our 
activity. This may result in the organisation 
not achieving the net zero target by 2030.
  • Recruitment of a Performance Management Analyst to help with measurement to inform appropriate decision making on most impactful areas of focus.
  • Close monitoring of progress against the two yearly organisational decarbonisation action plans.
  • Maintaining communication with other NHS organisations for sharing of information, ideas and success stories