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Activity stream action plans for 2024-2026

Carbon management

Public Health Wales commits to introducing best practice carbon management processes which form a solid foundation to enable successful implementation of our Action Plan. Best practice carbon management goes beyond the monitoring and reporting of our GHG emissions to include the development and implementation of decarbonisation action plans, target setting, and supporting behavioural change in relation to decarbonisation. We recognise that there needs to be a dedicated shift within our processes to place greater emphasis on decarbonisation across our operations; facilitated by embedding carbon management within our directorates. To enable this, we need to support staff to understand the impact of their action on the environment and improve how we measure our carbon emissions.

Realising net zero 2030
  • We understand the impact on the environment of everything we do.
Making progress: 2026-2030
  • We can measure our carbon footprint accurately and the approach is embedded within programme and project methodology and our decision making process.
Next steps for 2024-2026
  • Continued development of our approach to capacity building and training to support climate conscious public health practice.
  • Increased staff awareness of the importance of reducing our carbon footprint, encouraging staff to take forward initiatives and action within their directorates and divisions.


Action Reference Key Action Action Delivery Date Potential Impact for Carbon Emission Reduction Links to Foundational Economy Links to Circular Economy
CMO1 Set up process and undertake quarterly review and 
comparison of data to clarify progress and inform the ongoing 
development of interim internal targets in-line with NHS Wales 
Decarbonisation Strategic Delivery Plan targets.
02/09/24 Low    
CMO2 Incorporate our Decarbonisation and Sustainability Plan within 
Public Health Wales Integrated Medium-Term Plan (IMTP)
reporting process.
31/05/24 Low    
CMO3 Develop and publish updated Decarbonisation and 
Sustainability Plan 2026-28.
31/03/26 Medium Yes Yes
CMO4 Agree decarbonisation themes to be submitted for 
development in Public Health Wales Climate Change 
Community of Practice
31/03/26 Low   Yes
CMO5 Continue to develop our approach to capacity building and 
training to support climate conscious public health practice. 
This will include promoting existing online training modules 
(available within ESR), carbon literacy style training and the 
Hub's Healthy Environment toolkit.
31/12/25 Low   Yes
CMO6 Develop a communications and engagement plan for activity 
we will use to embed our action plan and raise awareness 
throughout the organisation and support action to reduce 
carbon footprint.
31/07/24 Low   Yes
CMO7 Roll out Healthy Environment workshop to 100% of 
Directorates within Public Health Wales by March 2026.
27/02/2026 Medium   Yes
CMO8 Develop decarbonisation internet and intranet pages for staff, 
to promote the action plan and Public Health Wales's carbon 
emission reduction/ achievements. Include links to 
foundational/circular economy, WBFG and biodiversity on 
other intranet pages.
15/11/24 Low Yes Yes
CMO9 Develop decarbonisation internet and intranet pages for staff, 
to promote the action plan and Public Health Wales's carbon 
emission reduction/ achievements. Include links to 
foundational/circular economy, WBFG and biodiversity on 
other intranet pages.
30/04/25 Low    
CM10 Embed measurement of carbon footprint and foundational 
economy impacts into early planning of projects and 
programmes and business cases within Public Health Wales to 
support decision making.
22/12/25 Medium Yes  

Buildings and our estate

Public Health Wales manages our services across Wales. Due to the variety of services we deliver for our local communities, we operate from a variety of different buildings including clinics, laboratories, and offices within larger hospital and health care settings, the majority of which are leased from partner health boards and trusts within NHS Wales. The most significant source of GHG emissions from our site-based activities is associated with the use of electricity and gas.

Realising net zero: 2030
  • New buildings and developments are built to a net zero standard
  • Where possible, all buildings are supplied with low carbon heating and generate their own electricity
  • We share our space across the public sector
Making progress: 2026-
  • Existing buildings will be highly energy efficient or scheduled for replacement & renewable heat schemes will be rolled out.
  • We have worked with health boards to reduce carbon emissions and increase energy efficiency at hospital sites
  • Single use plastics are not used within Public Health Wales
Next steps: 2024-2026
  • Our construction programmes include mandatory net zero objectives.
  • We have reduced our waste and implemented recycling best practice across the organisation
  • We understand the carbon emissions of staff working from home more accurately


Action Reference Key Action Action Delivery Date Potential Impact for Carbon Emission Reduction Links to Foundational Economy Links to Circular Economy
BE01 Undertake a costing exercise for our estate to inform 
investment in future decarbonisation technology.
31/03/25 Medium    
BE02 Work with Welsh Government’s Energy Service to explore 
opportunities to deploy renewable technologies (e.g. Solar 
Photovoltaics) in appropriate buildings across the Public.
Health Wales estate
31/03/26 Medium    
BE03 Work with Welsh Government’s Energy Service to explore 
opportunities to deploy renewable technologies (e.g. Solar 
Photovoltaics) in appropriate buildings across the Public 
Health Wales estate
31/03/2025 Medium   Yes
BE04 Work with Welsh Government’s Energy Service to explore 
opportunities to deploy renewable technologies (e.g. Solar 
Photovoltaics) in appropriate buildings across the Public 
Health Wales estate
31/03/26 Low   Yes
BE05 Ongoing communications to support the correct 
segregation of waste by staff through providing space, 
bins and visual aids.
30/09/24 Low   Yes
BE06 Work closely with waste contractors and building 
landlords to improve waste collection data.
31/03/25 Low   Yes
BE07 Review use of single use plastics and replace with 
sustainable alternatives where feasible for individual 
service areas in non-clinical settings
31/03/26 Medium   Yes
BE08 Investigate wider opportunities for carbon offsetting 
schemes that benefit the local environment and 
communities (e.g., tree planting programmes).
31/03/25 Medium Yes  
BE09 Undertake review and identify areas to improve how 
energy is used within buildings/sites (e.g. reduce 
unnecessary cooling in summer and heating in winter in 
office buildings). 
31/03/25 Medium    

Transport and Travel

Public Health Wales recognises that it has an important role to play in decarbonising its vehicle fleets as well as supporting our employees to make healthier and more sustainable transport choices. Reducing exhaust emissions from our vehicle fleet will help not only to reduce our GHG emissions but will also contribute to improving air quality within the communities we serve. The majority (52.3%) of our transport emissions result from travel completed by our Grey Fleet (vehicles owned by staff and driven for business purposes). Unlike our owned fleets where we can directly intervene to reduce emissions, reducing emissions from our Grey Fleet requires Public Health Wales to support our staff to adopt sustainable transport methods and enable flexibility to work in different ways.

Realising net zero: 2030
  • We have reduced our carbon footprint for transport and travel to levels seen during the pandemic
Making progress: 2026-
  • We have increased the number of staff using sustainable transport methods and increased percentage undertaking active travel
  • Supported more staff to work flexibly, making use of shared spaces and reducing the need for our estate
Next steps 2024-2026
  • We have a fully electric/ hybrid fleet of vehicles and supporting infrastructure across Wales
  • We understand the carbon footprint of our staff business and commuting travel
Action Reference Key Action Action Delivery Date Potential Impact for Carbon Emission Reduction Links to Foundational Economy Links to Circular Economy
T01 Undertake a review of provision of EV charging for staff 
vehicles and engage with site owners to increase the provision 
of infrastructure. 
28/02/25 Low    
T02 Procure battery-electric vehicle replacements and/or ultra-low 
emissions vehicles (hybrids) to replace DESW fleet.
31/03/26 High    
T03 Review options and feasibility for electric bike charging for 
staff and engage with site owners to increase provision.
28/02/25 Low    
T04 Develop a Public Health Wales travel policy to incorporate 
sustainable travel and consider feedback from the 2023 staff 
travel survey.
31/03/25 High    
T05 Use the data and insights gathered as part of the staff travel 
survey and focus groups to consider potential interventions, 
explore opportunities and promote options to support 
healthy, sustainable travel behaviours and promote greener 
commuting and business travel.
23/12/24 Medium    
T06 Expand the Cardiff Healthy Travel Charter commitments to all 
Public Health Wales, covering all sites across Wales. 
31/03/26 Low    
T07 Process developed to capture emissions data for all forms of 
staff business travel (including train, bus, ferry, air, car – single 
occupancy, car – car sharing etc.)
30/06/24 Low    
T08 Capture and collate staff commuting data annually 31/03/26 Low    



The procurement of goods and services through NWSSP Procurement Services represents Public Health Wales’s largest indirect environmental impact but also an opportunity to support cross-sector decarbonisation across our supply chain. Public Health Wales will look to understand how our current behaviours surrounding procurement contribute to our GHG emissions and will identify actions to improve the sustainability of our procured goods. Reducing the amount of single-use plastic promotional items procured and reviewing the requirement to have hard-copies of publications, are just two examples of where we can look to reduce our GHG emissions

Realising net zero: 2030
  • Public Health Wales has a near net zero, Welsh supply chain
Making progress: 2026-
  • We have worked with our largest suppliers to explore opportunities to reduce climate impacts and our  associated carbon emissions
  • Requesting zero carbon alternatives and using principles of circular economy are routine practice and supported across the organisation
Next steps 2024-2026
  • All procurement activity has a minimum weighting given to carbon reduction
  • We have worked with NWSSP to gain an improved understanding of the carbon emissions associated with our supply chain and identified areas of greatest impact
Action Reference Key Action Action Delivery Date Potential Impact for Carbon Emission Reduction Links to Foundational Economy Links to Circular Economy
P01 Incorporation of sustainability into all organisational 
specifications, to ensure inclusion in procurement evaluations.
31/01/25 Medium    
P02 Creation of updated guidance for writing specifications and 
weighting of sustainability elements in tenders. Incorporate 
Circular and Foundational Economy Principles within all 
tender specifications.
31/01/25 Medium Yes Yes
P03 Undertake an exercise with contract managers to develop 
action plans following review of the green 
credentials/foundational economy/living wage employer 
considerations of our five highest spend suppliers.
11/04/25 Medium Yes  
P04 Work with contract managers to undertake evaluation of the 
action plans exercise and consider ways in which Public Health 
Wales may be able to influence in these areas.
30/05/25 Medium Yes  
P05 Work with NWSSP procurement team to undertake a review 
of Public Health Wales vs hosted services procurement, to 
better understand Public Health Wales carbon footprint. 
30/09/24 Low    
P06 Embed sustainability / WBFGA within our procurement 
policies and practices.
31/03/26 Medium Yes  
P07 Implement a project of work to further reduce paper usage 
and towards Public Health Wales being paper-free at a future 
25/10/24 Medium   Yes
P08 Implement a project of work to further reduce paper usage 
and towards Public Health Wales being paper-free at a future 
30/09/25 Medium   Yes
P09 Review of spend with procurement managers to identify key 
spend areas that can be focussed on for greatest impacts in 
carbon reduction. 
31/10/25 Medium    
P10 Develop and publish a Sustainable Procurement Code of 
Practice to aid interaction with our suppliers. To include risk 
assessments, inclusion of carbon management in tenders etc.
31/03/25 Medium Yes Yes
P11 Develop information guide for suppliers on Public Health 
Wales requirements in relation to procurement and carbon 
27/06/25 Low    
P12 Review current procurement behaviours in the organisation 
and provide useful engagement and messaging for staff to 
support behaviour change and promote best practice. Include 
promotion of ‘Be the Change – Procurement that doesn’t cost 
the earth’ e-guide. Creation of a case study on procurement 
best practice in Public Health Wales.
31/03/25 Low    
P13 Engage with the scoping and development of the 'Public 
Health in the Well-Being Economy' programme to support 
NHS as a Foundational Economy and investing in prevention 
for the NHS, Wales and WHO. Under strategic priority 
Sustainable health & care system, SO4.2
30/04/25 Low Yes  


Approaches to delivering our services

It is well documented that there is a significant link between the impacts of Climate Change and the health and well-being of people. Health and well-being related impacts resulting from Climate Change are wide ranging; impacting upon physical, mental, and financial wellbeing of the communities we serve. Existing economic and health inequalities mean that health and well-being risks are likely to disproportionately impact those on lower incomes. Our approach to service provision needs to factor in these impacts and ensure we can continue to effectively provide for our service users.

Realising net zero: 2030 
  •  The provision of all our services we deliver to the public are carbon neutral
Making progress: 2026-
  • We have reduced the percentage of single use plastics procured and used within our Microbiology and 
    Screening Services
  • We have reduced the waste our services produce across Public Health Wales by 50%
  • Social Prescribing is the norm across Wales
Next steps: 2024-2026
  • We have transitioned to reusable PPE for screening and microbiology services, where appropriate
Action Reference Key Action Action Delivery Date Potential Impact for Carbon Emission Reduction Links to Foundational Economy Links to Circular Economy
A01 Undertake a review of current service delivery operations to 
identify where procedures and process can be changed or 
optimised to make these more sustainable
31/03/25 Medium    
A02 Working with the Digital Design Data Authority group, 
complete a review of the current approach to delivering our 
services to identify areas of Public Health Wales that may 
significantly benefit from digitalisation. 
25/04/25 Medium    
A03 Complete an internal review across Screening Programmes to 
identify areas where reductions in paper can be achieved 
through digitalisation and LIMS system.
23/12/24 High    
A04 Transition to reusable PPE for screening and microbiology 
services, where appropriate.
31/03/25 Medium   Yes
A05 Work with Public Health Wales’s five highest spend suppliers 
to identify potential areas where wastage can be reduced.
11/04/25 Medium    
A06 Promote the use of the "National Framework for Social Prescribing"
21/06/24 Low    
A07 Undertake trials within our Microbiology Services to identify 
where materials can be switched to more sustainable 
alternatives. Focus on highest carbon impact items including 
loop sterilisation, sample. specimen bags, solution bottles and 
agar plates.
28/11/25 Medium   Yes
A08 Publish a new Biodiversity Action Plan by the end of 2024.  22/12/24 Low    
A09 Publish Section 6 Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems 
report in late 2025.
31/12/25 Low