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Supporting someone

If you are an unpaid carer or a care worker, there are other things that you can do to support someone to take part in screening.

  • Make sure the person understands why they have been invited to take part.
  • Talk to them about how they would like you to support them at their appointment.
  • For identification purposes, the carer would need to provide personal information for the person who is being screened, for example their full name and date of birth.
  • The clinic may need their medical history and details of any medication they take. Make sure this information is taken to the appointment.
  • Check if the person needs to be accompanied to their appointment.
  • As the person attending the appointment may be at the clinic for some time, consider packing something to drink, a snack and anything else they may need.
  • The person you are supporting may need to undress at their appointment. Check the invitation letter, as it may include information on what to wear. Make sure the person is wearing clothes that are suitable for the weather and season.

Lasting power of attorney (LPA) for health and welfare 
If you have a lasting power of attorney for health and welfare for the person you care for and they have been offered a screening appointment, you must bring the LPA document to their appointment. You will also need to bring your photographic identification, such as a valid passport or photo driving license. 

You may have been issued with an activation key which links to your lasting power of attorney account. However, we cannot guarantee that WiFi is available in all screening clinics. If you cannot share the LPA document with us, you may need to rebook the appointment as we may not be able to screen the person without this.

If you have any questions about supporting someone through screening, it is important that you contact the screening programme before taking part. You can visit the ‘Contact Us’ pages on the screening programmes websites.