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Looking after yourself

If you are a carer, it is equally as important that you look after your own health.  We understand that this may be difficult when you are caring for someone else.

Things you can do include:

  • Take part in screening when you are invited. Finding a condition or disease early gives you the best chance of successful treatment and survival.
  • If you are offered an appointment that is not convenient, contact the screening programme to arrange another appointment. You can find their contact details on the invitation letter.  
  • Contact your local authority, carers’ services or organisations to check what support for screening is available in your area. You will not be able to bring the person you care for to your screening appointment as we will not be able to look after them.
  • Report any symptoms or changes to your health to your doctor without delay. Do not wait for your screening appointment.
  • For advice, tips and tools to support a healthy body and mind, visit the Carers Wales Wellbeing Hub.