The 2023 revision of the Procedural Response to Unexpected Death in Childhood (published in 2010, revised 2014 and 2018) sets out a minimum standard for the multi-agency response to the unexpected death of a child or young person. The aim of the PRUDiC is to ensure that this response is safe, consistent and sensitive to those concerned and that there is uniformity in the approach taken across Wales. The procedure should be implemented in all unexpected child deaths and followed to completion at the Case Review Meeting.
The 2023 revision was facilitated by the National Safeguarding Service (NHS Wales) on behalf of the Regional Safeguarding Boards across Wales. Following a period of engagement with key stakeholders, a multi-agency workshop was held in November 2022 to agree proposed changes to the procedure. The draft PRUDiC 2023 was circulated comment via the Wales NHS Safeguarding Network and Regional Safeguarding Boards. Amendments were made in response to comments and the final document was issued for implementation from April 2023. A webinar was held to detail the changes in March 2023.
This revision introduces a number of changes to the PRUDiC Process, which aim to strengthen partnership working around child death. This includes some changes to
It is hoped that the publication of the new Procedural Response will further enable consistent, supportive and effective investigation of Unexpected Child Deaths within Wales.
Leaflets for Families and ProfessionalsThe PRUDiC process is understood by agencies such as health, local authorities and police. However, a need was identified to develop clear information for parents and relevant professionals that explain the processes which happen following the unexpected death of a child.
2wish is a charity that provides immediate and ongoing support to anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected loss of a child or young person aged 25 and under. With consent, details are passed on to 2wish, usually from the hospital or police and, once the referral has been received, contact will be made within 24-48 hours by an Immediate Support Coordinator. Support includes memory boxes, immediate emotional and practical support, counselling and play therapy, group support and residential retreats. Please see further information on our website or contact via phone on 01443 853125 or via email on