Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that utilises the millions of day to day interactions that organisations and individuals have with other people to support them in making positive changes to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
The MECC Wales website is available here.
The MECC approach aims to empower staff working particularly in health services, but also partner organisations, to recognise the role they have in promoting healthy lifestyles, supporting behaviour change and contributing to reducing the risk of chronic disease.
This recognition extends not only to their interaction with clients/patients, but also to their own health and wellbeing and that of their friends, families and colleagues. To be successful MECC must not be seen as a separate public health initiative, but a part of what we all do.
Adopting this approach will allow us to move to a position where discussion of lifestyle and wellbeing is routine, non-judgemental and integral to everyone’s professional and social responsibility.
MECC in Wales will have its maximum effect if delivered by staff of all NHS partner agencies, including local people and communities.
We want to help individuals build on their own health assets and co-produce their own health with the support of families, communities and professionals.
This needs to include promoting and supporting the health of our own staff. To encourage this, we want to create an environment in Wales where all workers are able to appropriately introduce ideas of lifestyle and behaviour change and motivate individuals to improve their own health and wellbeing.
This will need the development of confidence and the use of skills in awareness, engagement and communication.
A national coordination group for MECC has been established and is considering a national approach and support mechanisms for MECC in Wales. A delivery model has been proposed encompassing support and resources over three levels:
The group is chaired by Mary Ann McKibben, Consultant in Public Health, Lead Healthy Settings Programme, Health Improvement Division, Public Health Wales and includes local leads for MECC delivery across all regional Health Boards, HEIW and allied health professional representatives.