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Swansea Bay University Health Board

Swansea Bay University Health Board became aware that Swansea Food Poverty Network had been approached by Rob Hernando, a grower who worked at Cae Tan CSA on Gower. Rob was looking for opportunities to establish a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm in the East of Swansea.

Due to its topography, the Health Board had 7.6 acres of available land that was unsuitable for future development, and there was an awareness of the broader ways in which a CSA could improve people’s health and wellbeing whilst providing food security. Aside from increasing access to healthy, locally produced food, CSAs can also provide a range of indirect benefits, such as reducing loneliness and isolation within the local population through volunteering opportunities, enhancing economies, supporting the circular economy and providing educational opportunities for the wider community.

In January 2021, Rob and Cae Tan CSA were approached to explore what would be involved. The project was then championed within the Health Board, utilising the language and duties of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, commitments around addressing the climate emergency, and the ‘One Health’ approach to health policy to act as the lever to seek approvals from the Health Board to support the establishment of a CSA. The project received Health Board approvals in November 2021.

This unique relationship between a health board and a CSA is a first of its kind within the UK.

The CSA hopes to produce enough food for approximately 150 households per week through a veg box scheme, provide some food for the hospital catering department at special events, and donate any surplus food to local food banks to ensure nothing is wasted. The CSA will also support the Healthy Schools initiative which will allow children from the local area to learn more about the environment and participate in growing projects.

Amanda Davies