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Outdoor events

Event organisers should make sure they have plans in place for safe management of events and mass gatherings during hotter weather.

People sometimes do things at big events that they wouldn’t normally do. This can increase the risk of heat related problems. For example, people may:

  • Not want to use toilets and may deliberately avoid drinking.
  • Get a good spot to see the event and stop drinking and stay in the sun so as not to lose their spot.

Organisers should remember that:

  • People with asthma, heart disease and other pre-existing health conditions may be more sensitive to the heat.
  • Alcohol and some medications can worsen the effects of heat.

The main health risks in hot weather are:


Organisers can help:-

  • Consider hot weather in event risk assessments and make sure plans are in place to reduce the risk of hot weather.
  • Provide plenty of drinking water and water-rich foods (such as salads and yoghurts) throughout the events in line with potable water and food hygiene plans.
  • Provide shaded areas and advise attendees to stay out of the sun during the hottest time of day between 11am and 3pm.
  • Provide accessible information to attendees on how to reduce the risks associated with hot weather during the event. For example, drinking plenty of water, wearing sun protective clothing, hat, sunglasses and wearing a high sun protection factor (SPF) sunscreen.
  • Consider moving the date, location or cancel event in very hot weather
  • Plan activities for cooler days or cooler periods of the day, such as morning or evening


For more information on Health, Safety and Outdoor Events visit Events Health and Safety