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Why are women and people with a cervix not invited until the age of 25?

Across the UK, we invite women and people with a cervix for a cervical screening (smear) test from the age of 25 to 64. Cervical screening is not recommended for anyone under 25 years old.  

Cervical cancer is very rare in the under 25’s and cervical screening hasn’t been shown to reduce cancer cases in this age group. Cell changes are common in those under 25; however, the majority will return to normal on their own. Screening individuals under the age of 25 can lead to anxiety and potentially un-necessary treatment which may do more harm than good (i.e. the risks outweigh the benefits). Repeated treatments for cervical cell changes can increase the chance of premature birth if a woman goes on to become pregnant. 

We usually send an invitation for screening a few months before an individual’s 25th birthday and they are able to book their cervical screening (smear) test once they have received their invitation; they do not need to wait until their 25th birthday. 

Additionally, those who are currently under 25 will have been offered the HPV vaccine in school. If someone has had the vaccine then they will have a lower chance of having HPV. Despite this it is still important to attend even if they have had the vaccine, as it does not protect against all types of high risk HPV. 

Even if an individual has not had the HPV vaccine, evidence suggests that they still do not need cervical screening before the age of 25.  

If an individual, regardless of their age, is experiencing symptoms such as unusual vaginal discharge, bleeding between periods, after sex or following the menopause than we would advise that they see their GP.