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Can a Health Care Support Worker (HCSW) administer the nasal live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) to a child once it has been supplied to the child by a registered nurse under a Patient Group Direction (PGD)?

Yes.  A registered healthcare professional can supply non-injectable medicines under a PGD and give these to the patient for self-administration or for administration by another person e.g. HCSW.

This means that a HCSW could administer a live intranasal flu vaccine (LAIV) to a child to whom the vaccine has been supplied by a registered healthcare professional under a PGD. The law requires that the administration of the supplied medicine is in accordance with the PGD, which needs to specify that the medicine is supplied for subsequent administration by another person (or for self-administration).

Injectable vaccines cannot be supplied in this way so a patient cannot be provided with inactivated flu, shingles and/or pneumococcal vaccine under a PGD or given to a HCSW for administration. All injectable vaccines administered by a HCSW must be under a Patient Specific Direction (PSD).

HCSWs must be appropriately trained and competent, work in compliance with legislation and have appropriate level of support from a registered healthcare professional.

[updated 4 Jun 2021]