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Things to remember before doing the test

If the person you are helping has capacity to make their own decisions, please make sure that you have their consent.

If you have power of attorney for health and welfare for the person you are helping, you are able to make the decision on their behalf.  Please make sure you have read an understood all the facts about bowel screening, good and bad, before you make the decision.  You can contact the BSW helpline on 0800 294 3370 if you would like to discuss anything.

If the person lacks capacity to make their own decision about whether to take part in bowel screening and there is no power of attorney for health and welfare in place a decision in the person’s best interests will need to be reached and recorded.  In order to make a best interest decision all relevant information needs to be obtained and considered including:

  • The person’s past behaviour – had they taken up the offer of bowel screening previously?
  • The person’s past and present wishes and feelings
  • Any beliefs and values held by the person (or previously held by the person) that may affect or influence the decision
  • The views of anyone engaged in the care of the person, or interested in their welfare such as family members, GPs, care-givers
  • If a decision cannot be reached or there is no one independent of services such as family members or friend who is able to represent the person, then the independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA) may be able to help.

If you are supporting a person with a learning disability you can find Easy Read information on our website

You may need to discuss how you will help the person. Jointly, you may want to decide the following:​

  • When is the best time to do the test
  • What their bowel habits are like
  • Who will fill in the details on the kit
  • Who will catch the poo sample.