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Health Intelligence Division

The Public Health Intelligence Division aims to improve health and reduce inequalities by providing and promoting the best available public health intelligence (evidence and data analyses) in a manner that inspires, informs and maximises the impact of public health action in Wales.


The Health Intelligence Division comprises: 

What we do

We provide health intelligence as relevant and timely information based on both data analyses and evidence that has been selected and developed in order to inform or inspire the planning, leading, mobilisation or delivery of public health resources and activity.

Our added value is based on being able to:

  • Provide a clear focus for high quality public health intelligence, reducing duplication, omission, and the need to approach multiple providers in order to obtain information.
  • Enable a fusion between specialist public health practice and expert health intelligence, which goes beyond just providing facts and figures.
  • Support the public health system in Wales by creating products tailored to be used effectively.

Our work is based on:

  • Always striving to deliver excellence, innovation and quality in public health intelligence.
  • Maximising use of intelligence for public health action by linking our work to public health priorities and areas of high impact in Wales.
  • Being proactive in defining new issues identified from our work.
  • Promoting, enabling and encouraging evidence based public health practice.
  • Being coherent and accessible to our users, working closely with them to scope public health problems and being responsive to their needs.
  • Providing support for the Public Health Wales workforce including skills development where possible.
  • Linking to relevant organisations in Wales, UK, Europe and beyond.